2021-02-02 15:12:01

Three tips for quick installation of air compressor

When buying a new compressor, most people will focus on the capabilities it provides, but once you choose a compressor, installation is particularly important. Although there will be many considerations in the selection of compressors, many people will ignore some problems in the installation process. Below are three quick tips that will help your compressor to install smoothly.

Make sure the compressor is connected to power


This may seem very mindless, but it is a key part of the installation. When you decide where to install a compressor, whether in a separate room or close to z*, it needs electricity. Depending on your system, you may have a plug-and-play compressor or a compressor that requires special wiring. If the connection point is far away, you need wires that don't add too much resistance. There are other factors to consider the use of electricity, so please make sure you cooperate with professional engineers to ensure the normal use of your system.

Measure floor space and floor dimensions


The last thing you want to see is that your compressor does not match your facility, so make sure you measure the space required by the compressor you want and cross-check it with the compressor footprint. The same is true for doorways, which is a rare situation, but some large compressors may not be suitable for passing through narrow doorways.

Please provide proper air intake and ventilation to the compressor


Even if you have checked that your compressor is energized and has adequate space, you still need to ensure that the compressor has sufficient air intake and ventilation. The intake air may come from the ambient air around the compressor or the pipe system. If the compressor draws air from the room, it is important to ensure that the room is well ventilated. Compressors can generate heat, so if cooler air cannot enter, the compressor will draw in more and more hot air, which may cause overheating. If the compressor is in a small space with no ventilation, negative pressure may be generated, making it difficult to open the door to the compressor room.